Career Orientation Ayata Educational Services Helping Students Make Good Career Decisions.

There are a number of career paths one can choose after 10th class. The challenge is to select the right one for the student. Career Orientation and guidance help students understand their strengths and areas of development and then match them with their skills and interest so that they get the best suitable career choice. A bad decision may waste a lot of money and time for the student ,in an already competitive world.

With Career Orientation Programs, a panel of mentor expose students to the non-traditional career’s opportunities available to them. These are top educational and management professionals who can answer any questions students may have about the speaker's field of expertise.

The internet is full of information, it is sometimes impossible to see what is a Fact and what is propaganda . Many colleges make certain promises for advertisements that are misleading and lots of students fall prey to it. For example, when a college claims 100 % placement, are they speaking about campus placement into jobs or placements for further studies. These questions are rarely addressed in the college brochure.