Events Ayata Educational Services Helping Students Make Good Career Decisions.

Past Events

As the Director of Undergraduate studies and a lecturer at NYU Tandon her experience has vastly increased her understanding of the Education Industry in India and Abroad . It has made her sensitive to the requirements of young minds on the brink of starting promising careers. Vanita strongly believes that the right education and information provided at the right time, is the key to addressing so many problems our nation is facing today. She actively works towards helping the country and its youth move towards a brighter and happier tomorrow.

Date: Wednesday, Dec 30th, 2020
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
School: Genesis International School

Speaker 1:Mr. Venkat Moganti-Director, Product Development, ADP -India

Speaker 2:Mr. Murthy VadapallCEO,SmartKatalyst Consulting

Date: Wednesday, Dec 18th,2020
Time: 12:00am-2:00pm
School: Gitanjali Senior School- Career Orientation Program

For any questions call :7799988431

In collaboration with SmartKatalyst and The Hindu, we organized a series of Discussion Seminars for students of 9th and 10th around the city .

1. PR Srinivas - CMA (Sr. Deputy General Manager - Accounts & Business Analytics at NSL Sugars Limited)

2. P. Srinivas Prasad - L & D Specialist and spoke about Management as a Career

We had around 200 students attend, with around 15 parents. Principal joined the Panelist on stage for discussion on "Diverse Careers". Students were excited about Non-Traditional Careers available to them and had lots of questions for the Panelists . They were enthralled by the opportunity of Industry extended scholarships available to them through Gatik.

1. Mr. Sreeman Narayana Kadali : VP Legal, PR and Compliance Officer at SHV Energy India

2. Ms. Deepika Mahidhara : Mass Comm and Public Relations

We had around 150 students attend the event. 87 students of 10th registered for the Psychometric Test with Gatik. We had parents and faculty/staff attend with the Principal. The two speakers were very interactive.

Mr.Sreeman Narayana Kadali spoke about the scope of Law as a career, beyond the typical Lawyer attending court.

Ms. Deepika was able to engage the crowd in an active Question and Answer session where careers from various walks of life were discussed. From Anthropology, to Psychology. From International trade to becoming an astronaut. It was very encouraging to see the new generation ask questions about careers outside Engineering and Medicine.

1. Mr.Sriguha CG: Film Making

2. Mr.Leela Ravikanth Kolagotla - CFP Business Head at

We had around 20 students with parents attend from the 9th and 10th.

Mr.Leela Ravikanth Kolagotla spoke about Finance, Business Management and the various branches that come under these Career Streams.

Mr.Sriguha got students excited about Film Making, he explained to students what type of personality traits one needs in order to be a good Film Maker. He told the students that the best Film Makers were those who liked wandering and considered themselves as "Masters of all trades".

1. Mr Faraz Ahmed | Lead - Public Relations and Digital Marketing at Wells Fargo.

2. Mr Eshwar Subramanyam |Head HR at ITW Chemin

We had 50 students attend from 9th & 10th with their faculty and Principal.

Mr Eshwar Subramanyam spoke on Human Resources and its scope as a career opportunity. He explained to them the importance of different HR branches with in an organization.A parent of a 10th grader himself , he sympathized with the students about the stress they have to take during their Board Exams."Make the sacrifice now for your dreams or Sacrifice your dreams " is what he told to encourage students to be strong and pay attention to their exams right now.

Mr Faraz Ahmed spoke on Corporate Communication and its scope as a career opportunity. He told the students about his own journey into Mass Communication . Starting on the wrong foot with Engineering and soon realizing it was a mistake, how he struggled to find the write course for himself but once he found his calling, he grew to great heights in a short time. Excited with the information at hand students had a spirited Question and Answer round with our Panelists.

1. Mr Nishita Madamanchi | Fashion Designer & Stylist.

2. Mr Murthy Vadapalli - SmartKatalyst Consulting

Attended by around 20 students from 9th and 10th with their parents, faculty and principal. The discussion was led by Mr. Murthy ,Head of Smart Katalyst Consulting Firm, who spoke about a range of Diverse Careers including Law, Management and Finance.

As a Yoga instructor and Personal Stylist for celebrities, Ms.Nishita Madamanchi narrated the story of her journey into the world of Fashion Designing. She explained to students that sometimes parents only want what they think is best for their children but get blinded on WHAT is best for them. She encouraged parents in audience to take the time to get to know their child and their interests and encouraged them to take the opportunity provided by Gatik to take a Psychometric Test which helps to Map students personality, behaviour and Aptitude and recommends a career stream for them accordingly.

1.Mr.Satya Pamula, Vice President at Integral Advisory Pvt.Ltd

2. Dr. Anupama Mudigonada, PhD. Marketing, Director at Promx Parama Pvt Ltd

3. Ms.Kanika Gupta, CA at Hua Tong Vishwa Pvt Ltd.

As part of its "Exploring Careers" panel discussions , Gatik Institute of Management hosted its first event at Lotus National School located in Hyderguda. Students of Class 9th and 10th attended with their teachers . The Panel consisted of three speakers.First to speak was Mr. Satya Pamula , Vice President at Integral Advisory Pvt .Ltd. His expertise in the field of Public Relations introduced the students to possibilities beyond the conventional understanding of PR . Next to speak was Dr Anupama Mudigonda .With a Phd in Marketing and a role as Director at Promx Parama Pvt Ltd , Dr.Mudigonada got the students excited about the jobs needed to cater to the changing economy. Her knowledge of HR, Management, Academia and Marketing coupled with her motherly compassion ,helped get through to the audience about the importance of such events.Finally Ms Kanika Gupta ,CA at Hua Tong Vishwa Pvt Ltd educated students about their options if they decided to pursue a career in Finance . She spoke about her own struggles and the rewards she received during her career journey, helping students understand that there was no "one size fit all" way to achieve success.

1. Mr.Ddharanikota Ssyodhan, Lawyer

2. Ms.Kanika Gupta, CA at Hua Tong Vishwa Pvt Ltd.

"Exploring Careers" panel discussions made their way to Gitanjali Senior School located in Begumpet. The school has a reputation of being the best in what they do, and the students who graduate wear the alumni title proud. The event was attended by 200 senior school students and their teachers . The panel consisted of Mr.Ddharanikota Ssyodhan, a proud Gitanjali Alumni and a renowned Lawyer from the city, and we were joined back by Ms. Kanika Gupta CA at Hua Tong Vishwa Pvt Ltd. Mr.Ssyodhan spoke about how he discovered his passion for Law, and what different areas Law comes in handy. He spoke about the benefits of becoming a Lawyer including the perks of the job and the salaries one can expect in different fields. He took questions from the audience, who were beyond enthusiastic, to have one of their own come back and take the time to speak with them. Ms.Kanika Gupta used the time to speak about the importance Finance plays in Business Management. She explained some of the specializations that fall under the broader umbrella of Finance, namely Fund Management, Cost Accounting, Financial Consulting ,CA/CPA and CFA certifications.

1. Mr.Ddharanikota Ssyodhan, Lawyer

2. Ms.Shilpa Nainani, Event Manager

On Firday, " Diverse Careers" panel discussion held an event in Hyderabad at the International School Shaikpet. Hidden away at the foot of Jubilee Hills, the campus hosted the event for more than 150 of its students of Class 10th. Attended by faculty and staff alike, our event featured three speakers for the day. First up , Mr.Ddharanikota Ssyodhan a lawyer by profession , joined us again and educated the students about his line of work. To his surprise, students were more interested to hear about specializations like Human Rights Law and Environmental Governance , an indicator of how the Youth of the country is gearing up to face the challenges of tomorrow. Next , the students heard from Mr. PG Prasad ,Vice President at Axis Bank . As a banker, he spoke to the students about various specializations under Finance. He further spoke about what exactly each profession does once they start working at a Bank, on a daily basis. Finally we heard from Ms. Shilpa Nainani ,a celebrity anchor ,known Voice Artist and successful Event Manager. Ms.Shilpa came on the stage and charged up the students with her fascinating stories. Her encounters with top artists, celebrities and basically the "Crème de la Crème" of society. She reminded students that with the glamour came a lot of hard work. She spoke about her journey into the field of Media and how she tackled every challenge thrown her way. The event concluded with an open FAQ session, where students spoke in groups to the presenters.